Your survey in three simple steps

Design custom-made surveys

Design custom-made surveys

Include the questions you need, customize the survey, apply questions and pages logic, add images and videos.

Instantly collect responses

Instantly collect responses

Send an email through our system or share the survey URL by email, web, social networks and any other media you can think of.

Analyze results in real time

Analyze results in real time

With the online results report, you can convert thousands of data rows into colorful graphs with just pressing a button.

Exams & tests with instant score

Create exams & tests easily and safely
Automate and speed up the evaluation process
Do not doubt it. Use it for free.

Do not doubt it. Use it for free. put at your disposal everything you need to create your own online surveys. You can create, launch and easily analyze any research that you can imagine.

For various uses
More than 1 million customers trust our solution.

More than 1 million customers trust our solution. is the No. 1 online survey application in Europe and Latin America.
Clients in more than 50 countries. Application available in eight languages.

Join us.
Guarantee, security and confidentiality

Guarantee, security and confidentiality

We are 100% committed to respect and protect the privacy of our customers. The data that you collect belongs completely to you and it will be confidential.
GDPR Compliance guaranteed. See our privacy policy

Additionally, we have functionality to guarantee the anonymity of the respondents answers, regardless the publication mode that has been chosen.

Confidentiality guarantee
Easily create surveys and get the responses that you need.

You choose the way you want to use it.

On the cloud. On the cloud.
In your own facilities. In your own facilities.